Monday, December 13, 2010

Wing Chun, Ving Tsun, Wing Tsun...

A student stated in class the other week, "why is it that there are variances in all the YouTube videos I see in Wing Chun forms?"

I keep saying it, Wing Chun is art, not just a martial art, therefore we all have our own means of expressing it.

Think of all the great artists who use different kinds of medium to create works of art. We can consider Wing Chun artists as those who use oil paints, Karate artists as those who use chalk, and Grapplers as those who use clay as their material.

All of them are artists, however they follow their own mediums to create works of art within their own style. Within each individual means of art there are several ways to use their tools. Think of all the artists who have used oil they all produce the same looking works? No.

Same holds true for Wing Chun. Why then is Wong Shun Leung different from Leung Ting? Why is Emin Boztepe different from William Cheung? Why is it that even the very sons of Ip Man, Ip Ching and Ip Chun are different!?

The reason is because we are all different humans. As long as we follow the conceptual foundations of Wing Chun and the ideas of the movements, we are "correct." Centerline, linear movement, economy of motion, simple, direct and efficient... Wing Chun is all this.

It doesn't matter who adds, removes or changes the section of their wooden dummy forms. It matters that we adhere to the strict guidelines of what Wing Chun is.

Keep this in perspective when training. Polish your tools and learn to use them for you. As Wong Shun Leung had said, "do not become a slave to the art."

There are many amazing Wing Chun instructors out there. I myself know that my Sifu, Syed Ahmad, is by far one of the most intuitive Wing Chun instructors and he is someone who I model my Wing Chun after; but that does not mean I do not read, watch and even exchange conversation and ideas with other instructors out there.

Keep an open mind and embrace the art of expression that Wing Chun is.

Dominick Izzo
Lead Instructor
Wing Chun Classes in Chicago


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