Friday, November 27, 2009

The importance of Fitness for Self Defense

Being in shape is a MUST for self defense. Without getting technical at all, think of the last time you ran up a flight of stairs, play wrestled with your child or significant other, ran in from the car to the house, boxed up a heavy box and moved it into another room...etc.

If any of those smallest of labors were huge for you, then it is a MUST you get into shape. Think of the slight "panting" you have done while finishing up those small things...can you imagine trying to fight of someone who is relentless in his task on killing or raping you? Get in shape! Turn the fight to them and make them gasp for air as you are tearing their lungs out!

I do not sugar coat anything when it comes to the idea of self defense training. If you are apprehensive about working out and unsure about taking up something new...bullshit , you are scared and lack confidence. If you are overweight just a bit and want to put it off until you get all your ducks in a row...bullshit, you are fat and lazy. You have kids, don't have a sitter, work 3 jobs, don't have money, are too old...bullshit, you are not creative and resourceful.

I have to be unforgiving as a trainer...and you do as well. You have to see things as they are and not what you THINK makes them. If I am not unforgiving on yourself and you are not unforgiving on your assured, your attacker will absolutely be unforgiving on you. Be just as unforgiving back!

Dominick Izzo
Izzo Training Systems
"Not a Victim...Not Today!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pain is My Friend

Pain sucks. Physical pain is bearable to the level of your threshold tolerance. Some people can take a punch in the face...others cannot.

Emotional pain is unique. Some people can take being made fun of...others cannot.

Lies, betrayal, deceit, death of a loved one, confusion, insecurity... these are all pain and the degree in which some can bare and others cannot is personal and perceptive.

Emotional pain is my friend. Pain reminds me that when I am comfortable, I stop moving... I stop becomming. Pain tells me to get off my ass and achieve. Pain tells me that the only route to going anywhere is forward. Pain is self defense.

Without pain, without chaos, without distruption there is no you.

Think of most people who take up martial arts or self defense... there most likely had been a physical threat or personal "scare" which lead them to seek learning to protect themselves.

And pain was the catalyst to personal greatness in their training.

Pain is your friend. It tells you that you are alive! Do not fight your pain and do not run from your pain... Anthony Robbins says that we can fight our pain, dance with our pain, or lead our pain...

I agree and I say we should thank our pain, for without it we would be dead.

Dominick Izzo
Izzo Training Systems

Monday, November 16, 2009

Self Defense and Belief

One of the most difficult things to achieve in your personal life is the ability to truly believe in yourself.

Evey one has personal experiences of self doubt, self confidence and self worth... There is no shortage of confusion in this area considering we live in a world were we have plenty of people who feed into our lack of value.

"You can't do that." "You're not worth it." "You're not good enough."

Words from others are one thing...but actions are another.

Ever have the action of abandonment from another? Lack of attention? Physical abuse even?

I believe in the power of language and the power of action. And just as others in life I too have been at the receiving end of such negativity...

But in those times, I remember those who have supported me...those who have stood by and believed in what I could accomplish and would achieve. Those are who I fight for and that is the root of self defense.

Self Defense to me is a right and a preservation of who I am so that I may have a chance to help better those who believe in me. That is giving back or paying forward.

Your fuel should lie in the thought of the actions of those who turned their backs... and the power of your words should be very clear. "Fuck 'em."

Self sufficiency is amazing, but you get a huge boost from remembering those who have stood by you.

Dominick Izzo
Lead Instructor
Izzo Training Systems