During my time as a police officer I had been fortunate enough to view first hand the truth and reality of violence as well as the direct effect it has on peoples perspectives of their own lives.
Violence is a living, breathing entity...violence doesn't "start" or one day just appear...violence is born and is nurtured. Some individuals have "issues" and impulses to do unspeakable acts which make the rest of us question humanity...these people just do what they feel and cannot be stopped from feeling compelled to act in such a horrible way.
As normal functioning members of society, we can't fathom taking our hand, balling it into a fist and then forcing it with speed and rage into the face of our significant other...but those who give birth to violence can and do.
I have little to no faith in the rehabilitation process of courts, the law or "aftermath" programs which focus on the violence after it has been exposed.
I say in my lectures that being a victim is a choice, and it usually raises a good buzz of irritation from the audience. But I hold true to this statement.
Why should we allow or even count on government or organizations to solve our issues? Granted, I am grateful for their help, but accountability starts within.
Its comparable to "participation awards" in juvenile sports programs in the last decade. I completely understand why some children and young adults have the hardest time with rejection or setting high standards for themselves...they were never taught how to lose or how to strive to achieve. They were taught we are all equal ls...but are we? If we are, then why would some man in Chicago beat two women with a baseball bat until they were unconscious, but that kind of thought has never even entered most people's heads?
Think of a lightning storm...God forbid you get struck by lightning, I am happy that hospitals and medical professionals are there to help and begin the process of recovery. But didn't you see the warning signs and do your best to avoid the circumstance? Ahhhh, there is the rub! Education!
Self Defense has a severe lack of support in the advocacy and educational aspect. We all think of self defense as a class or a technique based event where we go to learn something that will keep us safe when physical contact is made.
I am aware that every single circumstance is unique and cannot be solved with simple blog written solutions. But like all education, self defense education sparks an internal thought process which forces individuals to think on their own for their own best interest. A true self defense instructor does not teach technique...they teach how to search for self expression.
I am aware that the woman who has no job and is beaten daily has little to no route of escape from her horror from the hands of her live in nightmare...however self defense education can lead to a series of self initiated thoughts to attempt to change the course of the outcome. THAT in itself IS self defense...and THAT is not choosing to become a victim.
I teach self defense in the Chicago area and do so with the full expectation not that someone will remember the "move" I taught them, however that they will open their eyes to discover that they posses the ability to think as individuals how self defense training applies to their own lives.
One person told me years ago that the self defense classes she took with me gave her confidence to get out of her old job and find a new one. How did that have anything to do with protecting herself? In her view it was her way of not becoming victim to emotional pain of being stuck in a static situation.
One person told me that the self defense class she took with me gave her confidence to try to lose weight. The connection? She came to the class to learn to protect herself because she was obese and fearful of being a victim. At the class she learned that she was capable of performing effecting movements which she did not think possible...that in turn empowered her to find a new spark for her life.
I have had many examples of how self defense has been the catalyst for people to make fantastic improvements in their lives, helping them to refuse to become victims of personal pain. I like to think this ripple effect has been a direct cause of their avoidance with violence.
We cannot stop the lightning. We cannot stop the violence. But we were told not to run under trees and to stay away from metal structures...we were educated. Maybe with educating we can find shelter...and with this shelter we can find an amazing self worth. Self defense, self worth... what a perfect union.
Dominick Izzo
Self Defense Advocate / Self Defense Instructor
Izzo Training Systems
Self Defense in Chicago
Labels: self defense, self defense awarenss, self defense chicago, self defense classes